Thursday, September 10, 2015

Legislation proposed to allow 91,000-pound trucks on U.S. highways

Trucks on highway 2U.S. Rep. Reid Ribble (R-Wisc.) introduced Thursday the latest version of his Safe, Flexible and Efficient Trucking Act (Safe Trucking Act), which would give states the flexibility to allow 91,000-pound trucks with six axles on U.S. Interstate highways within their borders.

Ribble, at a press conference on Thursday, said increasing the weight limit to 91,000 pounds with six axles would increase the industry’s productivity by increasing capacity. It would also reduce congestion and boost safety, he said.

“Having the sixth axle is critical to weight displacement and braking power,” Ribble said. “The interstates are the safest and most efficient places for trucks to move.”

The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association, has said it opposed the legislation. OOIDA generally opposes allowance of larger or heavier trucks due to safety concerns and their impact on infrastructure.


DOT: Little data exists to make sound decision on truck size and weight changes

The DOT on Friday issued a report saying it does not have enough data about truck size and weight to be able to make recommendations ...

Reid, however, said Thursday that the U.S. Department of Transportation’s recent Truck Size and Weight Study concluded a 91,000-pound configuration would be suitable for the current Interstate system, resulting in no additional rehabilitation costs for the roads or bridges.


See Overdrive‘s sister site, CCJ, for complete coverage of Ribble’s proposed Safe Trucking Act.

from Overdrive

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