Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Future I-11 route through Nevada designated in highway bill, in part to follow U.S. 95

I-11 signThe route of the future Interstate 11 through Nevada received a formal designation in the new federal surface transportation funding bill, the FAST Act, signed into law by President Obama on December 4. The 5-year, $305 billion bill designates the route to follow U.S. Highway 95 before connecting with I-80 in Northern Nevada. It does not designate specific funding for the highway’s development.

The prior two-year MAP-21 funding bill established the future I-11’s route from Phoenix to Las Vegas.

Meanwhile, the FAST Act allocates $1.9 billion to the state of Nevada for transportation projects over five years or roughly $385 million annually. It marks an overall $170 million total increase over previous funding levels. The FAST Act is also the first long-term funding bill approved in over a decade. The $286.4 billion Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) was extended 34 times before the passage of the FAST Act.

For more information on future Interstate 11, visit www.i11study.com.

FAST Act highway bill: What trucking measures made it, what didn’t

In: Major CSA reform, expansion of driver drug testing, detention study and more. Out: Younger truckers and a measure that could have harmed small business ...

from Overdrive http://ift.tt/1RCqlQf

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