Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Cargo theft numbers down in 2015, FreightWatch reports

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A total of 754 cargo thefts were recorded in 2015 across the United States with an average value of $184,101, FreightWatch International reported this week.

Screen Shot 2016-02-16 at 10.51.33 AMFWI, in its annual report, recorded 204 thefts in 2015’s first quarter, 187 in the second quarter, 174 in the third quarter and 189 in the fourth quarter of the year. The numbers represent a 6 percent drop in volume and a 21 percent decrease in value from 2014.

FreightWatch says that though the total number of thefts fell, the threat of cargo thefts continues to grow in the U.S. because of increased organization and innovation from cargo thieves.

According to FreightWatch’s numbers, 49 percent of all cargo thefts in 2015 occurred in either California, Florida or Texas. California overtook Florida as the state with the highest number of thefts in the year.

Screen Shot 2016-02-16 at 10.51.09 AMAdditionally, there were 16 recorded cargo thefts that were valued at or above $1 million, which was down from 24 recorded incidents in 2014.

Food and drinks accounted for the most stolen product type with 24 percent of all thefts in the year. Electronics was the second-most stolen product type, accounting for 15 percent of total thefts. Home and garden products were third-most stolen, logging 12 percent of thefts in 2015.

FWI also reports most thefts occurred on weekends, with 37 percent of facility thefts and 36 percent of theft of full truckload occurring on either Saturday or Sunday. In 2015, 86 percent of all thefts with a known location occurred within unsecured parking, including truck stops, public parking and drop lots.

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